Get the Newspath App

A Powerful Newsgathering Tool

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Free to use

Faster delivery to your workflow

Video formatting

Share and distribute videos

Easy to Use

The Newspath Mobile App is a powerful newsgathering tool!

Use your iPhone/iPad or Android to shoot video and upload content to the editors back at your station.  Photographer not on site yet, editing on deadline, or busy setting up a liveshot? Reporters – shoot your own tease, web whip, or insert elements. Upload short clips. They will be back at your station in minutes!

The app is easy to use and it even reminds you to hold your phone horizontally when shooting video.

Equip your newsroom

Expecting bad weather and interested in bringing in elements from all newsroom staff?

The more the merrier! Ask staff to download the app. Have them shoot video and upload. The process is simple.  Uploaded clips land on your affiliate tab on the NewspathNow website and can quickly be downloaded to your edit system.

Interested? Put the app on your mobile devices! Search for Newspath on iTunes or the Google Play store.  Questions? Call Tech Support at 877-814-8557.

Have any questions about the app? Let us know!